Tenancy Agreement in Malaysia

What is Tenancy Agreement ?
It is a contract between you and your landlord (property owner). It can be enforced by written or verbally. This agreement gives certain rights to both the landlord and you.

Is a tenancy agreement necessary?
This agreement has been taken lightly by the vast majority because people don’t feel the need to until when they get theirselves into misunderstanding with their tenants or vice versa. When there is any doubts or confusion, the agreement contract will ease the settlement because we have something to refer to. Contract is forged based on mutual agreement, prior before there is an agreement to accommodate the place between the property owner and tenant that includes all rental terms and conditions such as the date of rent commencement, duration of rent(at most cases 1 year), rental charges, rental payment method and tenant’s particulars which is compulsory to include in as it is protected by Malaysian law.

You can hire a lawyer to prepare an agreement at a cost of RM 200 to RM 800 charges depend on your property type, as for duty stamp, varies according to your rental charges. The agreement must be reviewed by you thoroughly to ensure all terms stated meet your demand and free from error. Agreement can be in both Bahasa or English.

There are many cases where tenants are ask to leave the property they rent with very limited time and tenants do not have a say because there is no any agreement binding both the owner and tenant. In order to avoid these circumstances, rent a place with agreement or avoid it, unless you wan to take the risk. However, there is also a positive point in not having an agreement, where tenants can leave the premis as they please.

6 New Features on iPhone 6 / 6 Plus


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Users can purchase goods with their devices (iPhone 6, 6 plus and iWatch) by accessing ApplePay. ApplePay allows people to purchase goods with their devices at 220,000 stores in the U.S. Can be used as a payment method e-commerce sites and mobile applications.


3. A8 chipset and M8 motion co-processor



4. Bigger screen and Retina HD Display for iPhone 6 Plus



5. Apple Pay



6. Long lasting batteries